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Over 15 years ago, we started fabricating and shaping stone by hand with Worm Drive SkilSaws, Air Grinders and Polishers. Our fabrication shop now is close to 100% digital. However, the manual attention we gave our work in the beginning proved to be a valuable step in understanding how stone reacts to certain tooling, pressures, and chemicals. This foundational knowledge still informs how we fabricate today. 


Being primarily digital in our process allows us to be efficient and consistent in our final product. We begin the process with our field technicians on site creating digital templates that are then programmed to work with a family of sophisticated CNC (Computer Numerical Control) equipment. Once the stone is cut by the CNC machines,  it gets edged, and then finalized up by hand. When this process is complete, the fabricated stone is quality controlled and installed on site.


We believe we have an optimal balance of craftsmanship and machinery to keep up with a demanding workflow and schedule.  We invite you into our showroom, and view the fabrication shop through a large window in the showroom, so you can see first hand why this process works so well.

Over the past 15 years we have built our fabrication shop with the following machines that are made in the United States. We are very proud of tools that contribute to the shop we have constructed over time. 


  1. Park Industries Fusion CNC Sawjet + Saber 5 axis CNC Saw 

    • The CNC Sawjets quickly cut shapes out of the hardest and densest stone to a margin of .016.” This high accuracy is important so that the cut shapes will fit the spaces for which they were templated.

  2. Park Industries Titans - both 2700 and a 2800 CNC Routers

    • These two CNC Routers do an amazing job of producing the cleanest, most crisp, well finished edges in record time allowing the shop to get through high production demands efficiently.

  3. Park Industries Atlas CNC Tool Measuring System

    • Those clean, polished edges could not happen without the assistance of our Atlas Tool measuring system as it accurately measures each and every tool on a routine schedule so that we get the most out of every tool set.

  4. Park Industries Fastback Edge Polisher

    • Our Fastback edging machine is a simple and precise machine.  It profiles straight runs of countertops to perfection while allowing our hand finishers extra time throughout the day to pay attention to other facets of the finishing process like top polishing and occasional stone repairs.


We have been recycling 100% of our waste water from fabrication since the beginning in 2005. The Beckhart Environmental Water Filtration System provides 90 Gallons/minute of two micron water. This means that the water is measured to two micron, which is an appropriate particulate size for the CNC machines. Once filtered, the water is reused, and the cycle repeats again.  By recycling our water, our shop is doing our part to mitigate negative environmental impacts. 

©2021 ASW




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